Pizza Tools
The software tools to create a personalized Italian pizza recipe and to improve your pizza kneading
Last update: 18.03.2022 – Changelog.txt
If you are passionate in making pizza or you simply want to learn how to do so, you always start searching for a pizza recipe. Even though you most probably know already that this is just a starting point. Then you need to pay attention to the Pizza making process.This is why I created this page as a collector of multiple pizza tools. So if you are not only searching for your next pizza recipe, but you also want to have other helps this is your go-to page.
To give you further details behind the idea I have in mind, I want to create a collector of software tools. I know Internet is full of various calculators. So mine has to be different. That is why I will add from time to time few changes and new tools.
I am starting with a pizza recipe calculator. The difference than other calculators I found online is that it helps in making a personalized Italian Pizza. So for example if you are searching for an Italian pizza dough recipe thin crust or a rustic pizza dough recipe you can get both. Just select the thickness of the dough from the specific field of the calculator!
Also, my Pizza Tools will allow you to select the pizza dough hydration. So really up to you if you want high hydration pizza or you want to stick on a less hydrated one. Let alone that what you find in Italian Pizza Secrets pages is also a pizza calculator size. In fact you can decide how much pizza dough you want for your specific baking pan or simply how many round pizzas. In this last case – for Neapolitan style/round pizza – you can select not only how many pizza dough balls, but also their weight.
Let me conclude recommending you to keep in mind that my tools are changing over time. I commit to improve them also with feedback from users of this website. So I suggest you to bookmark this page to check for new releases but also feel free to contact me for suggestions and/or for criticism if you find something is wrong.
At the moment I have two pizza dough calculator tools for you:
Let me quickly introduce them. Then you can go to the pages of each of them following the above links. You will find some more details in case you have doubts on how to use tools.
Pizza dough or pizza recipe calculator
This is my first tool. If you are searching for homemade thin crust pizza recipe or for pizza in baking pan or Neapolitan Style pizza recipe then this is the calculator to use.
Use it to calculate how much flour, water, yeast, salt, oil you need for your recipe.
Pizza Kneading Temperature Calculator
You can find the calculator here: Pizza Kneading Temperature Calculator
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