A step by step video guide for Italian Pizza in Baking Pan – Part 1
Last updated on November 12th, 2023 at 06:58 pm
I strongly believe that to prepare a great Pizza you need to know everything about pizza dough. When I prepared this step by step guide for Pizza in Pan I had some goals in mind. Give you all the secrets and all the keys to prepare a perfect Italian Style Pizza. All of that getting you familiar with the dough. Indeed the dough is changing a lot over time when you mix ingredients. Also I wanted to have an easy step by step guide. Specifically a guide for Pizza in Baking Pan that you can reproduce at home without special instruments.
I have a clear idea of the secrets about Pizza I wanted to share with you. Therefore I was confident on how to create the following video. This is just the first part of my easy step by step guide for italian style Pizza in baking pan. There will be a second video soon where we will complete cooking the Pizza dough we prepared.
Before jumping to the first video tutorial I want to introduce you to what you can expect from it.
Content of video Step by Step guide for pizza in pan – Part 1
This video is pretty long, I wanted to give you full details. There is no reason not to show you everything I do normally at home. This is the way to prepare one of the best home made Italian Pizza. It’s easy and perfect if you are not so familiar with Pizza dough or if you want to improve your skills.
In the first part of this tutorial to prepare italian pizza in baking pan at home I will show you:
- the ingredients we are going to use
- ingredients mixing
- the dough folding
- how to best store the dough for maturation/fermentation at controlled temperature
What recipe we will use
The Pizza recipe I am going to show you in the video is from my Recipe Calculator. The options you want to use to create your own recipe based on the one in video are:
- Pizza in baking pan
- Size of your pan, of course 🙂
- Custom hydration: 65%
- Thickness: thick
One special note for Yeast: if you are doing the recipe in summer time I recommend to use half of the yeast shown by the calculator.
Enjoy the Step by Step video guide for Pizza in Pan – part 1
Let’s not waste other time, enjoy the video!
What’s next?
In the next part of this step by step giude to easily prepare Italian Pizza in Baking pan I will show you:
- Shaping the pizza dough for last fermentation
- stretching the dough to fit the baking pan
- final results after cooking
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